Navigate the Clubhouse as a parent/guardian

When you login to your account and are taken to the parent landing page - you can register your swimmers and access any available pages!

Given That

I am a parent/guardian of a swimmer

I Want To

Learn how to navigate the Swimmingly® Clubhouse

Register Your Swimmers

Access Your Profile: Edit your information, contact the Swimmingly Team, view updates

  • Select the tabs to access your profile, find support, and view updates

Access your Meet Schedule: Complete meet declarations & view heat sheets and results

  • Click on 'Meet Schedule' to view your team's schedule, prior meet results, upcoming meet heat sheets, and declare your swimmers for upcoming swim meets!

View Your Swimmers: Access your swimmers' profile, add guardians, and edit your swimmer's information

  • Click on 'My Swimmers' 

  • Click your swimmer's name to view your swimmer's profile

  • Access your swimmer's results, best times, and time progression

  • Select the date to edit your swimmer's date of birth

  • Select "Add Guardian" to add a guardian to access your swimmer's account

  • Input the guardian's email address and select "Add Guardian"

Access Billing: Pay for outstanding swimmers and view previous transactions