Promote a Club Admin to a League Admin

Navigate to the current team's Clubhouse the Club Admin is associated with, and promote the Club Admin on the Manage Users tab.

Given That

I am a League Admin

I Want To 

Promote a Club Admin within my league to a Club Admin


Navigate to the team's Clubhouse that the Club Admin is associated with, and promote the Club Admin in the Manage Users tab

Step 1: Log into your League Admin account in the Swimmingly® Clubhouse

Click on the Clubs tab

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Step 2: Select the Club name that the Club Admin is currently associated with

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Step 3: Select the Club Admins tab

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Step 4: Select the Edit icon next to the Club Admin you want to promote to a League Admin

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Step 5: Promote the Club Admin to a League Admin, and select "Submit"


The Club Admin is now a League Admin for your swim league! 

If you want to demote a League Admin to a Parent, click here. 

If you are a Club Admin, and you want to promote a Parent to a Club Admin for your team, click here.

If you are a League Admin, and want to demote a current League Admin to a Club Admin, click here.