Ideal Setup at a Meet

How to position your volunteers at your pool for the meet in a birds-eye view

Given That

I am a volunteer at a Swimmingly meet

I want 

to learn the ideal positioning of volunteers 


position your Scorekeeper and Starter next to each other and poolside!

Include everyone in the action:

Starter: Your Starter should be positioned close to the Timers between the start end and the backstroke flags.

Scorekeeper: The Scorekeeper should sit next to the Starter to ensure efficient and effective communication. The Scorekeeper is no longer forced to sit in a room and unable to watch the action in the pool! Have them sit poolside and in a central area.

Stroke & Turn Judges: The S&T Judges should be in the middle of the pool so they can see everything that is happening in the water. 

Timers: Timers should be directly behind their respective lanes. 

Pro Tip: Make sure you provide shade for all your volunteers!